Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I've been compleatly tied up with homework and trying to get ready for this weekend! I'm so incredibly excited! It'll be such a nice break after this week.

Sunday I went to brunch on the Upper West Side with my best friend, S, and our friend from high school, G. We ate at this adorable cafe called Artopolis. They have any type of bakery food you could want, as well as crepes, salads and most amazing gelato. The only downside to the whole meal was the screaming baby. I'm normally very tolerant of children, but this is a nice restaurant. Everyone else doesn't want to hear your child scream, so don't just let him sit there and cry. But overall it was great to catch up, and we had a delicious meal.

After brunch we said goodbye to S and G and I went down to midtown to try to get lottery tickets for Hair. G was the first name called! We had amazing front row box seats. They also have a platform right in front of the box where actors sing and dance, so many times there were people right in front of us. Will Swenson, who plays a lead in the show, came over and messed my hair and played with is, and we were handed flowers and ask how we were doing by other cast members. It was so much fun, and such a great way to end the weekend.
Sunday night I went to see the Hangover with my roommates. It was the first time I had ever seen it, and I thought it was pretty funny. Monday started the week from hell, full of papers and departmental meetings. I've spent a lot of time in the library. I've sort of camped out there for the past two days with tea, granola and my laptop. Luckily, everything was due by today, so I can kind of take Friday off and just relax. I've been getting sick and been stressed out, so I can't wait for a break. I'm sort of celebrating the end of all of my assignments by going to see a play tonight with my roommate. It's called Nickled and Dimed, and a few of my friends are in it.
I'm taking it easy this weekend, I may be going to see Toxic Avenger with S and her bf either tomorrow or Saturday, but I'm not sure yet. Sunday morning at 6:00 am we are
getting on the bus to D.C. for the
National Equality March! I am so so SO excited! I'll write all about it when I get back!